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Commercial and Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation Lawyers Serving Lake Butler, Florida, and Other Areas

Gainesville Commercial Lawsuit Attorneys

Protect your rights and your best interests. If you are involved in an unresolved dispute, you need an experienced civil trial litigator on your side. Clayton-Johnston, P.A., has been helping individuals and business owners protect their rights and best interests in civil litigation matters since 1927. Our civil trial attorneys do more than just present a canned, one-size-fits-all trial strategy. We have the experience and resources to investigate the foundations of your civil dispute or commercial litigation matter and develop a winning trial strategy.

A team of professionals on your side

When necessary, we call on the advice and efforts of expert witnesses and investigators, in order to develop a sophisticated, intelligent strategy that clarifies the complexities of the matter for the jury. By presenting a clear, aggressive, and winning trial strategy, most opposing attorneys understand that you are serious about winning, and offer full and fair resolutions at the negotiating table. When a court trial becomes necessary, we have the courtroom experience and record of success you need to effectively present your case at trial.

Whether you are involved in an unresolved breach of contract dispute, or have a legitimate civil rights case, we can help. Our attorneys are recognized as tough, intelligent, and experienced trial litigators with the firm resolve to be successful in court. Contact the civil litigation law offices of Clayton-Johnston, in Gainesville, Florida, to discuss your civil or commercial litigation matter.

We have extensive experience in litigation cases such as:

  • Shareholder disputes
  • Employment contract litigation
  • Real estate litigation and land use disputes
  • Breach of sales contracts
  • Licensing agreement disputes
  • Class action and MDL litigation

Contact our offices to discuss your civil litigation matter and ways that we can help resolve your dispute issues effectively. We offer confidential, ethical solutions to all of your civil and commercial litigation needs.

Office Locations

Clayton - Johnston, P.A.
18 NW 33 Court
Gainesville, FL 32607

Phone: 352-376-4694
Toll free: 800-454-3476

Fax: 352-371-7366

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